Saturday, July 23, 2016

7.23.16 Changes continue

For those of you that return often, you know that I have been on a job hunt since January. The stress over this life change has consumed me. The over thinking that I've put into it, the effort, etc.

The searching has stopped, and I know where this part of my future will begin. I've been offered full time employment at the current job I am at now. I am pleased as I stress over change, and this will be the least change that I could possibly ask for. Although I will be changing offices, I will still be local and I already know my co-workers.

John always told me that things always work out. He's tried to nail that into my brain for years now. Somehow I was never really convinced. Seems I should have been. Hopefully Oliver will be able to get me out of my consistent old ways.

I'm still doing some things that John had me do/not do. Not on purpose of course, but because it was habit. John said those things will go away. For example, when John gave me a task to do, I didn't have to do it if family 'got in the way'. Family always came first. I did that with a task that Oliver told me to do last night. I'm sure he will understand, but it wasn't something that we discussed. I just assumed. More error on my part, but I am still new under his wing and am learning. I'm glad, at least, that I recognized what I did.

I look forward to this evening. I've been looking forward to it all week. Scenes with Oliver. I have no idea what he has in mind, and I'm sure that's for the better, as I would stress and over think.

I've been doing some research on line today about where I can pick up more information on our lifestyle (is it a lifestyle? there is some contradiction about that...). Found some good sites. I'll share them with you after I've delved into them further.

I look forward to posting pictures of our evening............

Feel free to congrats me on the new job :p @ - or of course...just comment ox

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